Valhalla [Part 2]: How to run Valhalla on Ubuntu

Valhalla Tutorials

This tutorial is part of our Valhalla tutorial series:

How to configure and run Valhalla locally on Ubuntu 20.04

This tutorial will show you how to configure Valhalla to be able to run its HTTP API on Ubuntu 20.04, including its administrative and timezone databases.


Valhalla is a high-performance open source routing software (MIT license) written in C++ and mainly designed to consume OpenStreetMap data. The core engineers work for Mapbox and one of the most prestigious companies using Valhalla is Tesla as their in-car navigation system.

For a comprehensive feature list and a more general overview of FOSS routing engines, read our article.

Validity only confirmed for Ubuntu 20.04 und Valhalla 3.0.9.

Did you know?

This tutorial will guide you through the process of how to configure and run Valhalla. This tutorial is the direct successor of the tutorial on How to build and install Valhalla on Ubuntu 20.04. You can follow this tutorial analogous on any Ubuntu 20.04 in a docker or other virtual environment with a built and installed version of Valhalla.

So let's go, open your terminal!

1. Preparations

Test your Valhalla installation

First you should test your local Valhalla installation by typing the following commands into your terminal:

valhalla_build_tiles -h
  • valhalla_build_config should return a long JSON output into your terminal.
  • valhalla_build_admins should return Unable to parse command line options because: the option '--config' is required but missing.
  • valhalla_build_tiles -h should return valhalla_build_tiles 3.0.9 and a few more lines explaining the tool.
  • valhalla_service should return something like … [ERROR] Usage: valhalla_service config/file.json [concurrency]. This is a good sign for now and shows us that the tool is installed.

If this is the case, Valhalla seems to be installed. So you can continue.

Update the system

First update your systems packages with:

sudo apt-get update

This will give you access to the latest available Ubuntu packages through apt-get.

Install the needed packages

sudo apt-get install -y curl jq unzip spatialite-bin
  • curl is a handy tool to download nearly anything from any source through its CLI.
  • jq is a tool to deal with JSON structures.
  • unzip for unzipping files. It is used internally by Valhalla.
  • spatialite-bin for the spatialite support of Valhalla to build timezone support and admin areas.

Download the script files and setup your working directory

Stay in the same folder and run the following commands to download and prepare the needed scripts:

git clone ~/valhalla/
cd ~/valhalla/scripts/
mkdir valhalla_tiles && mkdir conf
  • git clone will give you access to the latest Valhalla code.
  • valhalla_tiles will hold your processed Valhalla files.
  • conf will hold your Valhalla config file.

Download the desired OSM extract

In order to build tiles for Valhalla you need an OSM extract. You can download your desired region from Geofabrik. Just copy the URL to the extract of your choice. To keep things small we will stick to a small extract in the following example:

curl -O

2. Prepare the config files

Build your config file

The config file is the core part of the Valhalla setup and will hold all necessary (and optional) configurations and file paths, so Valhalla knows where to look for and where to store data. Be sure to follow the instructions strictly:

valhalla_build_config --mjolnir-tile-dir ${PWD}/valhalla_tiles --mjolnir-tile-extract ${PWD}/valhalla_tiles.tar --mjolnir-timezone ${PWD}/valhalla_tiles/timezones.sqlite --mjolnir-admin ${PWD}/valhalla_tiles/admins.sqlite > ${PWD}/conf/valhalla.json
  • ${PWD} is the system variable for the current working directory.
  • valhalla_build_config is the Valhalla tool to build the needed config file.
  • --mjolnir-tile-dir defines the folder where the Valhalla tiles will be processed.
  • --mjolnir-tile-extract defines the file where the tarred Valhalla tiles will be stored.
  • --mjolnir-timezone defines the folder where the SQLite file holding the time zone areas will be stored.
  • --mjolnir-admin defines the path where the SQLite file holding the admin areas will be stored.
  • > ${PWD}/conf/valhalla.json is the output file path for the config file.

You can see all options by either opening the valhalla_build_config Python script in a text editor or examining the (rather unreadable) output of valhalla_build_config --help.

Optional: Build admin areas

This step is optional, but really recommended. It builds a database of administrative information of countries and regions. Valhalla uses the database during the graph building to determine things like the legal driving side on roads, border crossings etc.

Also, there's a rather serious bug where navigation in roundabouts is wrong if the admin database is not used. If you build the admin database and still encounter this issue, try to build it with the OSM planet rather than an extract.

valhalla_build_admins --config ./conf/valhalla.json albania-latest.osm.pbf

This command builds the admin database to ./valhalla_tiles/admins.sqlite as specified in the valhalla_build_config step. It uses the Albania OSM PBF to extract the necessary information. If you still encounter the above mentioned issue, try to build it with the OSM planet rather than an extract.

Optional: Build time zones

This step is optional. The time zone areas are used by Valhalla to calculate local departure and arrival times:

./scripts/valhalla_build_timezones > ./valhalla_tiles/timezones.sqlite

3. Build the routing tiles

With all the preparations done, we can finally build the routing tiles, i.e. the graph. The last step is aggregating all tiles into a tar file. That's much more efficient for Valhalla's loading and caching processes.

cd ~/valhalla/scripts/
valhalla_build_tiles -c ./conf/valhalla.json albania-latest.osm.pbf
find valhalla_tiles | sort -n | tar -cf "valhalla_tiles.tar" --no-recursion -T -

At the end you should find the valhalla_tiles_tar file in ~/valhalla/scripts/ with approximately the same size as the input PBF file.

4. Run and test Valhalla

Run Valhalla

Now we're ready to run Valhalla with our valhalla.json and on the specified amount of cores:

valhalla_service ~/valhalla/scripts/conf/valhalla.json 2

Test Valhalla

Valhalla should be running now and we're going to test that.

If you used the example OSM extract you can just use the following command:

curl http://localhost:8002/route \
--data '{"locations":[
        }' | jq '.'

If you used another OSM extract, use appropriate coordinates.

Assess the response

The response of your Valhalla server should return something like the following structure, depending on your OSM extract and the used coordinates:

Response JSON

```json { "trip": { "language": "en-US", "status": 0, "units": "miles", "status_message": "Found route between points", "legs": [ { "shape": "yx{xmA_lybd@oClBqWxRqWhRsFlEeKlHaChBiGbFqGtEkWxRyQbN", "summary": { "max_lon": 19.461329, "max_lat": 41.321014, "time": 28, "length": 0.178, "min_lat": 41.318813, "min_lon": 19.45956 }, "maneuvers": [ { "travel_mode": "drive", "begin_shape_index": 0, "length": 0.154, "time": 24, "type": 1, "end_shape_index": 9, "instruction": "Drive northwest on Rruga Stefan Kaçulini.", "verbal_pre_transition_instruction": "Drive northwest on Rruga Stefan Kaçulini for 2 tenths of a mile.", "travel_type": "car", "street_names": [ "Rruga Stefan Kaçulini" ] }, { "travel_type": "car", "travel_mode": "drive", "verbal_pre_transition_instruction": "Continue on Rruga Glaukia for 100 feet. Then You will arrive at your destination.", "verbal_transition_alert_instruction": "Continue on Rruga Glaukia.", "length": 0.024, "instruction": "Continue on Rruga Glaukia.", "end_shape_index": 10, "type": 8, "time": 4, "verbal_multi_cue": true, "street_names": [ "Rruga Glaukia" ], "begin_shape_index": 9 }, { "travel_type": "car", "travel_mode": "drive", "begin_shape_index": 10, "time": 0, "type": 4, "end_shape_index": 10, "instruction": "You have arrived at your destination.", "length": 0, "verbal_transition_alert_instruction": "You will arrive at your destination.", "verbal_pre_transition_instruction": "You have arrived at your destination." } ] } ], "summary": { "max_lon": 19.461329, "max_lat": 41.321014, "time": 28, "length": 0.178, "min_lat": 41.318813, "min_lon": 19.45956 }, "locations": [ { "original_index": 0, "lon": 19.461336, "lat": 41.318817, "type": "break" }, { "original_index": 1, "lon": 19.459599, "lat": 41.320999, "type": "break" } ] } } ```

In case you get a response looking like this:

"error_code": 171,
"error": "No suitable edges near location",
"status_code": 400,
"status": "Bad Request"

It is most likely that you didn't change the coordinates for the curl request to ones that are inside your chosen OSM extract.