QGIS 3 Plugin Tutorial – Geocoding with Nominatim Part 2 (Interactivity)

This tutorial is part of our QGIS tutorial series:
- QGIS 3 Plugins - Plugin 101
- QGIS 3 Plugins - Qt Designer Explained
- QGIS 3 Plugins - Signals and Slots in PyQt
- QGIS 3 Plugins - Geocoding with Nominatim Part 1 (First Steps)
- QGIS 3 Plugins - Geocoding with Nominatim Part 2 (Interactivity)
- QGIS 3 Plugins - Geocoding with Nominatim Part 3 (Best Practices)
- QGIS 3 Plugins - Geocoding with Nominatim Part 4 (Tests & CI)
- QGIS 3 Plugins - Set up Plugin Repository
- QGIS 3 Plugins - Background Tasks
This tutorial follows up on the first QGIS plugin development tutorial, which built a plugin using Nominatim's reverse geocode endpoint to query user generated coordinates for street addresses. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go through the tutorial or get the previously prepared plugin from our repository.
In this walk-through you'll extend the functionality so that a user doesn't have to manually copy/paste coordinates from a third-party service/document. A user will want to be able to click inside the map and use this point for reverse geocoding. And it's explicitly an extension, a user would still be able to paste coordinates manually.
The final extended plugin can be found in our tutorial repository.
- capture interactive map input from users
- create your own Map Tool (like Pan or Zoom Tool in QGIS)
- learn applied examples for signals/slots to create interactivity
Plugin functionality:
- User either copies Lat/Long or X/Y to the plugin dialog or uses an interactive Map Tool to capture a coordinate in the map canvas
- Upon OK button click, the Nominatim API is queried on its Reverse Geocoding endpoint
- A Point layer is generated in-memory, displayed on the map and zoomed to
Validity only confirmed for Ubuntu 18.04 und QGIS <= v3.6.3 Occassionally, the author might choose to give hints on Windows-specific setups.
for WINDOWS flags. Mac OS users should find the instructions reasonably familiar.
- Basic understanding of Python
- QGIS v3.x
- Previous tutorial or alternatively the prepared plugin
- Plugin Reloader plugin installed
- Python >= 3.6 (should be your system Python3)
- Basic Python knowledge
- Familiarity with
- Qt Designer application, see our tutorial
- Python Plugin Basics, see our tutorial
First, copy the previous plugin files to a new structure, so you don't mess with a working solution. You can leave all file names the way they are though.
mkdir quick_api_interactive
cp -r quick_api/* quick_api_interactive
Now all the definitions will be the same for the "new" plugin as it was for the old one, which will conflict with each other in QGIS. So you need to remove the old plugin and add the new one:
rm -r ~/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/quick_api
ln -s ~/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins
You can already create the new files and folders which you'll need throughout the tutorial:
cd quick_api_interactive
mkdir icons # We'll provide some icons later on
touch maptool.py # This will hold our interactive map tool later
Now your file structure should look like this:
├── icon.png
├── icons
├── __init__.py
├── maptool.py
├── metadata.txt
├── quick_api_dialog_base.ui
├── quick_api_dialog.py
├── quick_api.py
├── resources.py
└── resources.qrc
If you're not too familiar with Qt Designer, we have a reference guide for you.
Open the quick_api_dialog_base.ui
in Qt Designer and perform the following steps in sequence:
- Change the layout of the main
by pressingLay Out in a Grid
button in the main toolbar - Drag a
to the right side of theQgsFilterLineEdit
widget and name it map_button - Resize the rest of the widgets to fill the entire width of the dialog
- Save the UI file
Now, your UI should look approximately like this:
Typically icons are created with Qt's QIcon
class and there are multiple ways how to create one:
- file-based classic Python approach: simply supply the path of an existing icon file
- access QGIS resources: QGIS has a resource store holding all its file-based resources such as icons. Tapping into that you can simply use what's already in QGIS without having to worry to come up with your own icons.
We'll show you both approaches here.
Let's replace the plugin's main icon. Our proposal is the icon of our Pelias geocoder plugin: https://github.com/nilsnolde/pelias-qgis-plugin/raw/master/PeliasGeocoding/gui/img/icon_reverse.png
Add the icon to the ./icons
and adapt the path in initGui
to reflect the new path:
icon_path = os.path.join(current_dir, 'icons', 'icon.png')
Note, whatever you choose the image should be SVG or PNG with background transparency, otherwise it will look awful.
Another way is to re-use what QGIS offers out-of-the-box in its own resource store. The real challenge is to find out how to reference the path to the icon/resource to supply it to QIcon
One solution is this fantastic collection by Geotribu. Finding a suitable icon requires some guesswork w.r.t. its name. For our purposes we choose one icon for both the map tool button and the cursor when the map tool is active:
To use that icon for the map tool button, you can add the following to the run()
if self.first_start == True:
# ...
You already made a lot of changes to the initial plugin, so it's time to make sure everything worked smoothly. Restart QGIS, enable the "new" plugin (called quick_api_interactive
now) and choose it from the dropdown of Plugin Reloader before reloading it.
Finally you can do a bit more fun work! You'll start with maptool.py
This will be the actual tool which will let users choose a point on the map canvas for reverse geocoding. It's surprisingly little code actually.
What you will create is a real Map Tool, like e.g. the Zoom Tool in QGIS or the Pan Tool. Using the new tool will only emit the point clicked in the map canvas to a listening function which will transform the point to WGS84 and subsequently send it to Nominatim. So, let's get started.
First, import the relevant modules:
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal
from PyQt5.QtGui import QCursor, QPixmap
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication
from qgis.gui import QgsMapToolEmitPoint, QgsVertexMarker
from qgis.core import (QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem,
Then build a class PointTool
based on QgsMapToolEmitPoint
and also create a module-wide CRS based on WGS84:
WGS = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem("EPSG:4326")
class PointTool(QgsMapToolEmitPoint):
The point tool also needs to know when it needs to capture a click from the user, i.e. it needs to know which event
is has to listen to. QgsMapToolEmitPoint
has a few pre-defined event methods available which you can listen to. In this case, you'll use canvasReleaseEvent
, which is the event triggered when the mouse button was pressed and released while hovering over the map canvas. Other events include canvasMoveEvent
und canvasPressEvent
. These events are managed by QGIS and need to be implemented before they're doing anything. The event
it accepts is a QgsMapMouseEvent
, which, among other properties, knows the point coordinates of the click event in the current CRS of the map canvas:
# class PointTool(QgsMapToolEmitPoint):
canvasClicked = pyqtSignal('QgsPointXY')
def canvasReleaseEvent(self, event: QgsMapMouseEvent):
# Get the click and emit a transformed point
crs_canvas = self.canvas().mapSettings().destinationCrs()
xformer = QgsCoordinateTransform(crs_canvas, WGS, QgsProject.instance())
point_clicked = event.mapPoint()
point_wgs = xformer.transform(point_clicked)
This might be the first time you come across pyqtSignal
, so we recommend to go through our short primer on PyQt Signal/Slots concept.
Above you define a custom signal canvasClicked
, which can emit a QgsPointXY
variable type. It will only emit in the above case when a canvasReleaseEvent
was triggered and after the point was transformed to WGS84. This emitted signal
however needs a slot
to connect to, i.e. a function which does something useful with the emitted point. As you will see shortly, that slot will be the function adding the emitted WGS84 coordinates the user clicked to the QgsFilterLineEdit
widget in your GUI, which a user had to fill manually before.
Now that you set up the signal that will emit the clicked point, you need to tell the plugin what should happen with that QgsPointXY
This is a 2 stage process:
- connect the
signal to a function initializing your map tool - in this initialization function, connect the
signal of your map tool to the function which will populate thelineedit_yx
with the emittedQgsPointXY
First, import the Map Tool to quick_api.py
from .maptool import PointTool
you will introduce a new function to quick_api.py:QuickApi
, which will be called whenever the map_button
is clicked:
#class QuickApi:
def _on_map_click(self):
self.point_tool = PointTool(self.iface.mapCanvas())
This will:
- hide the plugin's dialog
- set the current Map Tool to your
, i.e. now the signalcanvasClicked
will be emitted if the user clicks inside the map canvas - connect the
to a new functionself._write_line_widget
, which doesn't exist yet but will come soon
will need to be called when map_button
is clicked, who doesn't know of its existence yet. So let's change that. Connect the button's signal to the new function in run()
(note it should be after self.dlg
is defined obviously):
#class QuickApi:
#def run():
if self.first_start == True:
self.dlg.map_button.clicked.connect(self._on_map_click) # added line
For the plugin to handle this correctly, you need to re-arrange a bit the start-up logic. Without going into too much detail, the QDialog.exec_()
is not ideal in this case, as that line is blocking, i.e. the code stops there until the user presses the OK or Cancel button. It's usually alright, but it stops working when you introduce new asynchronous functions like event loops, as you did above. The whole logic to show the plugin to the user is a little flawed, so let's rewrite some of it:
In quick_api.py:QuickApi.run()
, first delete self.dlg.show()
, which is superfluous anyways. Then replace self.dlg.exec_()
with self.dlg.open()
. QDialog.open()
will just open a modal dialog and immediately return control to the code. Its asynchronous nature means you have to know when the user presses OK/Cancel, so you have to listen for the appropriate signal and connect that to a function which does your work in case OK was clicked. The right signal is the dialog's built-in finished()
signal, which emits the result code (0 for Cancel button, 1 for OK), similar to the return value of the previous QDialog.exec_()
Now the plugin needs to know what to do when the finished()
signal is emitted: of course it needs to run your actual code. So, take the whole if result:
statement and put it into a new method called result()
, which has to accept the result code the finished()
signal emits. Your code should finally look approximately like this:
#class QuickApi:
def run(self):
if self.first_start == True:
self.first_start = False
self.dlg = QuickApiDialog()
def result(self, result: int):
if result:
project = QgsProject.instance()
At last you have to set up the _write_line_widget()
function, which will take the emitted QgsPointXY
from the canvasClicked
signal and write it to our lineedit_xy
#class QuickApi:
def _write_line_widget(self, point: QgsPointXY):
self.dlg.lineedit_xy.setText(f"{point.y():.6f}, {point.x():.6f}")
This will:
- set the text to the formatted latitude and longitude of the emitted point
- unset the current map tool, which will take care of some cleaning up (you could also save a reference to the previous map tool in
and restore it here) - finally show the plugin dialog again which will now have the new clicked coordinate in its text field
Finally the plugin is ready to be fully tested. Reload the plugin in QGIS and see the result. The plugin didn't change much visually, just a tiny new button. But the user experience just went through the roof!
The expected behavior at this point:
- When you click the Map button the plugin window disappears
- When you click the map canvas, the plugin window re-appears and contains the clicked coordinates in WGS84
For all practical purposes you could stop here. However, if you want to learn a few more tricks how to improve this plugin to be more user-friendly, keep on reading.
Another neat functionality would be if the cursor of your custom Map Tool would have its own icon, not the default cross-hairs symbol. We opt for the same icon we used for the QToolButton
Open ./maptool.py
and add the following just after declaring WGS
CUSTOM_CURSOR = QCursor(QIcon(':images/themes/default/cursors/mCapturePoint.svg').pixmap(48, 48))
We have to do a little bit of a roundabout here: QCursor
only accepts a QPixMap
, so our QGIS internal icon will need to be converted first and set to a size of 48 pixels.
Next, you'll have to let QGIS know that it should use that cursor when the map_button
is clicked. You can also do this in your Map Tool, using its predefined activate()
method, which is called when the Map Tool is activated (e.g. from self.iface.mapCanvas().setMapTool(self.point_tool)
#class PointTool(QgsMapToolEmitPoint):
def activate(self):
Now the icon will change to our image, but it won't change back once the operation is completed. For that, you can hook into the deactivated
signal which will be emitted when e.g. the map tool in unset. Connect that signal to a function restoring the old cursor:
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication
def _write_line_widget(self, point):
self.point_tool.deactivated.connect(lambda: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor())
And that's it! Best of luck!
In the next tutorial we'll show you some useful tricks around QGIS plugin development and apply some software development best practices by restructuring the whole code base a little. This will help us for the last tutorial in this series which is about an automated test infrastructure for QGIS plugins: https://gis-ops.com/qgis-3-plugin-tutorial-geocoding-with-nominatim-part-3/.